Despite saying repeatedly that she hates playing festivals, Adele agreed to headline this year’s Glastonbury. With a place on the Saturday night bill and few upbeat songs, many wondered how she’d fare. The set wasn’t without talking points, bringing plenty of standout moments to the second night of this year’s festival.

As she walked out on stage, the screens showed a close up of her eyes from the artwork of her ’25’ album. She began with ‘Hello’, to which she changed the lyrics to say “I’m in Glastonbury dreaming”.

Adele brought two fans onto stage with her during the course of the night, the first being a 10-year-old girl. The pair took a selfie together, while Adele asked her what her favourite colour was and who she was looking forward to seeing on Sunday.

Later, she told stewards to lift a woman over the barrier because she was “crying her eyes out”. The fan was a little overwhelmed, having come from Brazil to attend the festival. Soon to realise she was too starstruck to chat, Adele went for the ol’ reliable selfie-and-goodbye tactic.

The set wasn’t short of drama, either. At one point, it was interrupted by a production manager who asked the crowd to make a path so a fan who had been taken ill could be taken out of the audience.

Adele also had to start a song over again because it went wrong. Even after ‘River Lea’ had begun again she still made mistakes. “Shit, I got that wrong!” she gasped at one point before laughing it off and continuing.

Before final song ‘Someone Like You’ she revealed she had agreed to headline while watching Kanye West perform at the festival last year.